Sponsors / Technical Partners

Renegade Fuel

Welcome R-Tech Welding Equipment as our newest team sponsor!
Written by Frosty   
Thursday, 13 October 2016 20:34

Red Victor 1 Racing to partner with R-Tech Welding Equipment.

The Red Victor racing team are proud to announce a partnership with R-Tech Welding Equipment for the trip to Bahrain for the world record attempt, to be the worlds quickest and fastest street legal car over a 1/4 mile, and beyond.

Andy Frost, team principal of RV1 racing says "We are proud to have the chance to promote R-Tech's products on RV3. They have a great line up of welders and welding equipment that we are happy to showcase, and are looking forward to working with them now, and in the future"

R-Tech Welding Equipment is a family run UK based supplier of welding equipment. They supply their own range of TIG, MIG and Arc welders and Plasma Cutters all with their two year collect and return warranty. Customer satisfaction is paramount to R-Tech Welding Equipment and their pre-sale advice and post-sale care is what sets them apart.

Jeanette Carr, marketing executive at R-Tech Welding Equipment says "We are proud and excited to be working with Red Victor 1 Racing. Andy and his team approached us for support in getting the car to Bahrain for the world record attempt and regaining the title. The level of dedication that they have is nothing less than inspirational. We look forward to working with them."

Robert White, managing director says “This is a very exciting partnership for us all, we supply many motorsport companies and enthusiasts and at R-Tech we all have a very keen interest in motorsport ourselves, I look forward to Red Victor Racing breaking the record again and wish them great success in Bahrain”

We thank R-Tech for having faith in our team, and wanting to be part of our record breaking attempts. And we look forward to them being on the car when we attempt the record!

Welcome to our new sponsor.
Written by Frosty   
Sunday, 25 September 2016 08:12

The Red Victor 1 racing team are proud to announce our newest sponsor is the Belistore.

A little muffin and drink company that are on the up and up and want to be involved with

the team and the quest for the world record!

We thank Richard Reynolds of The Belistore for his foresight in wanting to be part of

our team, and we look forward to working together for the foreseeable future!

Please take a look at Richards website, and if you are at the same meetings he is go and

try his fayre! It's highly recommended by the RV1 racing team!

And if you are unlucky enough not to be at those locations contact him for all your

catering needs. Tell him we told you to call.....





Last Updated on Sunday, 25 September 2016 13:53
Red Victor 3 is going to Bahrain!
Written by Frosty   
Sunday, 14 August 2016 10:51

Further to our news story a week or so ago, we have now had confimation from the

Bahrain Drag Racing club that we can run in their 2016/2017 racing series!

A big thank you to Shane Tecklenburg for his assistance over the last few months in

brokering this deal.

Thank you also to Martin Smith of Coastal Global Logistics for handling all aspects of shipping

the car/truck to Bahrain and back.

Our little team is once again living the dream!


More news soon.....

Last Updated on Sunday, 25 September 2016 13:54
Onwards and upwards!
Written by Frosty   
Wednesday, 03 August 2016 19:28

After 21 months of hard work by the team, and of course the Red Victor 5 second club members https://www.facebook.com/groups/redvictor5secondclub/ we had a successful test at the Main Event in May.
As always testing reveals little things that need tweaking, but our data (and performance) bode well for the next step
in the development of the car.
Our plans are to test again at the Euro finals at Santa Pod, then funds permitting ship the car to Bahrain in October for the whole of the BDRC drag race season (subject to BDRC confirmation). Of course to do this properly comes at a big cost for a privateer team, but our supporters have already raised a 25% towards the total!
Included in this total is our newest sponsor Airservices Hellas, who have agreed a 2 year deal to support Red Victor 3 in it's efforts to regain the worlds fastest street legal car in the 1/4 mile title. A big thank you to David Greenhalgh for brokering this deal for the team!
And as usual a big thank you to all our Red Victor team of Deb, Gary, Jan, Badger, Shane T and Nik Wadsworth, all the Red Victor 5 second club members, the teams supporters and great sponsors, and our loyal fans for their support so far.
As the above statement says, to get the car to Bahrain to claw back the record is a costly business for a small team.
We are looking for support from individuals or companies to take us that final step.
You can either join the Red Victor 5 second club (link above) and become a full or associate member. Joining the page is as simple as clicking the link to join (it's a closed group). You will be then accepted into the group. If you do please ask how you can become a member.
Or just e mail Frosty on This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it if you would like to get involved in a world record attempt, with all the publicity that will come with it.

Prize draw...
Written by Frosty   
Wednesday, 13 July 2016 07:40


We are holding a prize draw on our FB closed group page to help us achieve our goals.

25 prizes, including a weeks holiday in a 5 star hotel in Greece, and 2 x VIP tickets to the Euro finals are in the prize fund!

Interested? Join the page on https://www.facebook.com/groups/redvictor5secondclub/

to enter the draw and have a chance of winning a prize! See you all there!




Last Updated on Wednesday, 03 August 2016 19:30
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